Course content:
Paper 1 (Basics)
Group A:
Applied Anatomy & Physiology and related

  • Embryology
  • Physiology of the newborn
  • Growth and development
  • Assessment of physical and mental age
  • Blood formation
  • Assessment of nutrition and nutritional requirement
  • Water and electrolyte balance
  • Anatomical variations in childhood
  • Mental and emotional development
  • Radiation hazards
  • Basic statistics
  • Genetics
  • Bacteriology
  • Parasitology

Laboratory Procedures, Techniques, and Related

  • Collection of material and common pathology techniques
  • Common Bacteriological and biochemical methods
  • Examination of throat swab, blood, marrow fluid, urine, stool, cerebralspinal fluid, pus CO2 combining power, protein, sugar, calcium, chloride phosphates, urea and N.P.N., cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase
  • Blood grouping and cross-matching
  • Principles of serological procedures, W.R., Khan Tests, Widal reactions, etc.
  • Immunity and allergy tests
  • Special Pathology of respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, liver, spleen, endocrine, kidney and urinary tract, bones, parasitic and bacterial infections of the intestines.
  • Deficiency diseases
  • Radiology examination in children.