All students are required to abide by the rules and regulations of the college. Non-adherence to these rules and regulations will render the student liable to disciplinary action, which may range from issuing a warning to expulsion from the College.
Students are forbidden to organize any union, association or society other than those set up by the college authority in order to enrich their physical, intellectual and ethical development.
a) Uniform:
Students are required to follow the dress code specified by the college authority.
b) Bond:
The candidates and their parents or legal guardians are required to sign bonds on non-judicial stamps accepting the terms-conditions of the course, conduct and discipline before admission to the college.
C) General Rules:
- Transfer from these four Medical Colleges to any other private medical college are not allowed.
- All students are to attend classes in the prescribed uniform as specified by the College authority.
- All students are to carry their identity cards when they are within the College and Hospital premises.
- Attendance of 75% is mandatory for being eligible to appear in College and University examinations. Attendance will be evaluated quarterly. If any student attends less than 75% of the classes in a quarter, she shall have to pay a fine of Tk. 10,000.00 unless there are explanatory circumstances. Moreover, she will not be allowed to sit for any periodic examinations.
- Students found absent from classes for a continuous period of one month without satisfactory reason or prior permission shall lose college studentship. Such a student may gain re-admission by paying a fee of Taka 25,000.00.
- Absence from classes individually or in group or en-masse without prior information or without valid reasons is a punishable offence by imposition of a daily fine of Tk. 500.00 individually.
- Putting up posters on the walls of the college premises is prohibited.
- Closing of College and Hospital gates or doors and creating obstacles to the normal functioning of the College or the Hospital are acts of gross indiscipline where students involved in such acts are liable to be expelled from the College.
- All types of demonstration, procession, shouting in the College and Hospital premises are prohibited, where students involved are liable to be expelled from the College.
- Students state their problems, grievances and inconvenience to their designated advisor or guide teacher. The advisor or guide teacher solves the problems of the students or refer them to the Principal. Statements of the problems, grievances and inconveniences by the students must be in an orderly and disciplined manner. Any act of indiscipline on the part of any student including violence, usage of abusive or objectionable language or creating unpleasant situation in the college campus will make the students liable to be punished by expulsion from the College.
- Release of a student for admission into a govt. medical college will be entertained following replacement of a student of a medical college under same university or, payment of charges and tuition fees of remaining years of the course to the college as compensation.
- Every student shall provide for her/himself all the prescribed text books, dissecting instruments, medical equipment etc. The college will not supply these to the students.
- Cost of loss, damage to college/ hospital property is liable to be realized from the student found responsible for the loss/ damage.
- All payments including course fee, session charge, tuition fees, etc. are non-refundable.
- College authority will not take responsibility for the studentsโ residential accommodation and transport, however, available seats in the hostel will be allocated first come first serve basis.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the College and Hospital premises.
- Those who are found involved in anti-social activities or violation of college discipline are liable to be punished up to expulsion from the college.
D) College Hours:
College hours for students in Saturday to Thursday from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
E) Communication with Guardians
Constructive advice from the parents on college affairs is welcomed. Parents are informed regularly about their daughtersโ academic performance and class attendance. They are also invited to put forward suggestions to improve the performance of the students.