
A. Basic medical science:

  • Common drugs used in anesthesia

B. Clinical

  • Pre anesthesia evaluation
  • Anesthesia for Gynaecological and obstetrical surgery
  • Labor analgesia
  • Post-operative care including an analgesic plan

C. Problem or disease-based competence

  • resuscitation in obstetric & gynecology patient
  • Principles of intensives care medicine

D. Emergency management

  • DIC in obstetrics practice
  • Management of hemorrhagic shock

E. Skill/ procedure/interpretation:

  • Endotracheal intubation

F. Essential records

  • Case Note (Minimum Three)
  • Logbook
  • Case Presentation, Journal club
  • Attendance in Seminars and Symposiums.



A. Background Knowledge:

  • Applied fetal and neonatal anatomy, physiology, and pathology.
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Congenital infection
  • IUGR (Intrauterine growth restriction).

B. Clinical

  • Students must progressively develop to obtain complete case-based history taking from parents, caretakers, or outside records.
  • To progressively develop the activity to perform focused & accurate clinical examination of the newborn (newborn examination, examination of sick newborn).

C. Problem-based competence

  • Students must progressively develop how to provide newborn resuscitation.
  • Evaluate and manage newborns with jaundice (physiological and pathological).

D. Emergency management

  • Initiate management of premature/ low birth weight babies.
  • Management of newborn developing respiratory distress.
  • Detection and management of newborn having convulsion.

E. Skill / Procedure / Interpretation

  • ENC (Essential Newborn Care)
  • Kangaroo Mother Care
  • Facilitation of breastfeeding
  • Assessment of danger signs

E. Essential records

  • Case Note (Minimum Three)
  • Logbook
  • Case Presentation, Journal club
  • Attendance in Seminars and Symposiums

Radiology & imaging

A. Basic medical science

  • Role of X-ray, USG, CT scan and MRI in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
  • The basic principles of these imaging techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications in Obstetrics and Gynecology

B. Clinical

  • To progressively develop adequate clinical knowledge for proper patient selection, writing requisition forms for patients for X-ray, USG, CT scan, and MRI
  • To progressively learn to prepare patients for X-ray, USG, CT scan, and MRI

C. Imaging technique-based competence Observe, assist, and perform USG (TAS & TVS)
D. Emergency management of Patients with An anaphylactic reaction or embolization of air/dye while doing contrast x-ray (HSG).

E. Skill / Procedure / Interpretation

  • Patient preparation, perform,ance and interpretation of the reports of HSG Interpretation of the reports of USG

F. Essential records

  • Case Note (Minimum Three)
  • Logbook
  • Case Presentation, Journal club
  • Attendance in Seminars and Symposiums.



A. Knowledge-based competence:

  • Critical care – Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-base balance, blood transfusion, Haemorrhage.
  • Different types of shock and their management
  • Postoperative pain management
  • Wound infection, sinuses fistula, ulcer

B. Clinical

  • Students must progressively develop to obtain complete case-based history taking from patients, caretakers, or outside records.
  • To progressively develop the activity to perform a focused and accurate clinical examination.
  • To relate physical findings with history in order to establish diagnosis and to formulate a management plan.

C. Problem or disease-based competence

  • Evaluation and management of abdominal pain.
  • Evaluation and management of post-operative intestinal obstruction
  • Pre-operative & postoperative management of surgical patient
  • Evaluation and management of burst abdomen
  • Management of acute and chronic retention of urine
  • Evaluation and management of incontinence of urine

D. Emergency management of complications

  • Postoperative acute retention of urine and anuria
  • Hypovolemic shock, Septic shock

E. Skill/ procedure/interpretation:

  • Patient counseling
  • Abdominal paracentesis
  • Ryles tube introduction
  • Breast examination, Detection of breast lump

F. Essential records

  • Case Note (Minimum Three)
  • Logbook
  • Case Presentation, Journal club
  • Attendance in Seminars and Symposium.
  • intraoperative radiation
  • postoperative radiation

A. Basic parameters of radiotherapy

  • General tissue radio sensitivity/ radio
  • resistance and normal tissue dose
  • tolerance
  • External beam therapy principles and equipment
  • Branchy therapy principles and equipment

B. Problem or disease-based competence Evaluate and management of patients having genital tract malignancies (carcinoma cervix) by radiation therapy.

  • preoperative radiotherapy
  • postoperative radiotherapy
  • concurrent chemo-radiotherapy

D. Emergency management of complications Students should be able to recognize and treat complications involving the:

  • G I tract
  • Urinary tract
  • Skin
  • Bone marrow
  • Kidneys
  • Liver
  • Central nervous system radiation necrosis
  • Skill/ procedure/interpretation
  • Patient education and modification
  • Formulation of treatment by organ site
  • history and stage of the disease

F. Essential records

  • Case Note (Minimum Three)
  • Logbook
  • Case Presentation, Journal club
  • Attendance in Seminars and Symposiums.